We live in a moment that threatens to snuff out the sacred fire of freedom, but I believe there is still hope for America.

Hope that the courageous men and women of our time will remember what makes this nation great. Hope that there is a bright future waiting for our children, if we will simply take courage and act.

This is what burns in my heart: a conviction to fight for the Republic handed down to us by our brilliant Founders. I wholeheartedly believe that truth will win, that apathy can be defeated, and that courage can be imparted from one person to another. The fragile flame of liberty can and must go on.

You and I have the responsibility to keep it going. I wrote The Patriot’s Field Manual as a clarion call to rally the reformers. It’s a philosophical and practical playbook to effectuate change at the local level. I hope you’ll join me!

— Major (Ret.) Will Ostan, U.S. Army
Author, The Patriot’s Field Manual

The Patriot’s Field Manual

A Citizen’s Guide to Saving America at the Local Level

We are engaged in a war for the soul of America that is being fought on the battlefield of ideas.

Many patriots are wondering: will the greatest country in the history of mankind succumb to leftist, neo-Marxist ideologies and be destroyed forever, or will we fulfill the dream of the founding generation by following their brilliant blueprint for life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness?

The answer is simple. It’s up to us. Every single one of us, beginning at the local level. The time has come for every conservative American citizen to act courageously. 

As Benjamin Franklin once explained to a woman in Philadelphia, the United States of America was at its inception, and will always be, “A Republic, if you can keep it.”

 Penned by a decorated combat veteran in collaboration with the team that produced the Red White & Blueprint documentary series, The Patriot’s Field Manual is a philosophical and practical playbook that every patriot can use to effectuate transformative change in their local community. The words on these pages are full of honor for the Founders and unashamed love for the United States of America.

The time for abdication has passed. The time for action is now. If we do our duty, then America shall be saved!

“This succinct but powerful book fully captures the ethos of the American founding and provides a practical road map for local engagement.”

Excerpt from Foreword by
Mary Jean Eisenhower

Buy Now - $12.99

The Patriot’s Field Manual is available in ebook form on Kindle (here) and Apple Books (here).

While the paperbook is also sold on Amazon, we would love for you and those you share it with to support local business by purchasing directly from our site. It’ll save you a little on shipping too!

What readers are saying:

  • Major Ostan's manual was very inspirational and eye opening for this very challenging time in America. As a grandfather of 5 it was a great reminder to share with them the American story and what it took to get where we are today. I plan to buy more manuals to send to other leaders.

    Terry F

  • This is a very detailed plan to get involved at the ground level. It will take many working together in unity to achieve results, but it will be worth it in the end.

    Caryn G

  • Was both inspired and challenged. Will’s ability to bring in the wisdom of our forefathers to address our modern day crisis in America is profound. It’s a quick read that belongs on every nightstand.

    Gregory K

  • This book was inspiring as well as challenging to do something practical at the local level, to help America return to its foundational principles. I encourage all those who love America to buy this book!

    Michele W

  • I strongly recommend this text to other individuals who want to see the United States return to its biblical/constitutional foundations but do not know where to begin.

    Brittany M

  • Awesome book! Quick delivery! Wish I had the funds to purchase more to give away…I’ll just have share the one I have! Thank you for writing such a clear, concise message on a precious, vital subject! May God bless and restore America and you!

    Elizabeth B

  • Major Ostan's passion for America and for justice is evident and contagious in this powerful guide!

    Lauren S.

  • A concise, powerful, and profound book that should be read by every American.

    Will E.

Some fights you choose: other fights pick you.

When Major (Ret.) William Ostan took the oath as commissioned JAG officer in the US Army, he didn’t know that the fight for justice around the world would bring him home to reckon with an unaccountable government bureaucracy that disregards the care and livelihood of active-duty wounded warriors.

Raised with a love of American history and inspired by his grandfather’s role in WWII, Will was already contemplating military service when he witnessed the selfless sacrifice of football great, Pat Tillman, in the wake of the 9/11 attacks. Tillman gave up a lucrative football career to serve his country, and was tragically killed in action in 2004. Will determined at that moment that upon graduating from Law School he would volunteer as a commissioned officer in the US Army - he never looked back.

During his distinguished 12-year active-duty career that included multiple combat deployments with elite infantry and Special Operations Forces, Major (Ret.) Ostan was diagnosed with Behcet’s Disease on January 2nd, 2018 (due to exposure to environmental toxins). He unknowingly became the “tip of the spear” for a new generation of wounded warriors that would be forced to fight an unaccountable bureaucracy known as the Defense Health Agency (DHA).

As he began to suffer terrible mistreatment and injustices at the hands of DHA bureaucrats, he sought help at the highest echelons of leadership. He quickly discovered a dangerous gap through which countless comrades are falling. All stemming from unchecked power and broken systems. Will has made it his personal mission to expose the corruption and restore safeguards to the medical separation process.

Additionally, Major Ostan went looking for these fellow wounded warriors whose careers and livelihood are being harmed by DHA.

Since launching his nonprofit, Arc of Justice, on Veterans Day 2019, Will has represented 72 clients without taking a single cent from them. He has saved many of their careers and for those Will couldn’t save, he zealously advocated for them to have the best possible outcome despite DHA’s malfeasance.

Will has fought tirelessly for active-duty wounded warriors, both individually and corporately. He has drafted and championed what is known as The Wounded Warrior Bill of Rights (WWBoR) in United States Congress. He has vowed to continue advocating until this Bill has become law, so that wounded warriors will have the accountability and due process they deserve.

Have Will speak at your event

Due to Will’s current health condition that comes with unpredictable and debilitating health flare-ups, he is not currently booking out in advance.

We know this severely limits future planning, but we encourage you to join the interest list. He has multiple stints of “good health” throughout the year and we can notify you when those occur.

If you sign up for this email list, you will be the first to know when he is available. Many groups welcome the opportunity to have Will travel on short-notice as a guest speaker at an event, appear on zoom for a special meeting or gathering, or invite Will to speak on their podcast.

Join the interest list

We will send out an email to people on this list to notify them when Will is available to speak, and speaking engagements will be accepted on a first-come, first-served basis.

Media Appearances